Camelot Shadow Cover

Camelot Shadow Cover

Monday, July 13, 2015

Honor Amazing Woman, Support Great Cause, Get Free Book

How can you NOT click on something with a title like that, right?

July 25 will mark the one-year anniversary of the unfair and untimely passing of Dr. Sarah Pettrone, a wonderful human being and the most talented insulter of yours truly that ever lived. I miss her immensely, though my ego is considerably less bruised these days (I would not be shocked, however, if, in an attempt to remedy that state of being, divine powers, at Sarah’s prompting, hurl a thunderbolt my way any moment now).

A while back, I wrote about how, in an attempt to follow Sarah’s lead in doing something that I love to help people, I would be donating $1 for every copy sold of The Camelot Shadow: A Novel toSurgicorps International, an incredible organization that provides free surgical and medical care to disadvantaged individuals around the world (Do What You Do Well to Do Good). As an independent author unlikely to approach Stephen King-level sales, that’s unlikely to be a financially significant gesture (let’s face it—I also can’t match Mr. King’s raw sexual magnetism...ladies dig that guy). As noted in the aforementioned blog post, though, it’s not the size of the individual (thank goodness) or his effort that matters so much as our collective contribution to the greater good, and I wanted to at least try to do something to increase that level of effort to honor Sarah’s memory this month.

To that end, then, I would like to extend an offer to readers far and wide: make a donation of $10 (or more!) to Surgicorps between now and July 31, 2015, and get a free copy of The Camelot Shadow in the ebook format of your choice. To make it happen, just execute these two simple steps: 

1) Go to Surgicorp's website and make a donation in memory of Dr. Sarah Pettrone.

2) Email me at (or, if you’re reading this on Goodreads, feel free to make a note in the comments section) to let me know that you made your donation and to let me know in what format (PDF, Mobi, or ePub) you’d like the book* and what email address to send it to.

(*Given that the prospect of having to read my purple prose may, in fact, actually deter people from wanting to donate to such a worthy cause, I’ll note that you don’t actually HAVE to read the book, or even let me know you donated if you don’t want me to overload your overworked inbox with pages and pages of overwrought and underwhelming tomfoolery.)

I realize that disposable income is in short supply these days, and that there are many worthy causes to which we all try to stretch those precious extra dollars. If you aren’t in a position to make a donation now, I understand completely. But, I’d be grateful if you could share this link with any reader friends who might be interested in order to help me get the word out. 

Either way, thanks for continuing to read the nonsense I like to spew out in this space, and be on the lookout for an update on some work in progress, coming semi-soon…assuming I get some sleep again at some point in this life (having two wee tykes is amazing, but when they decide to tag team on not sleeping at different points during the night…aye carumba).

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